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Indonesia Map
Indonesia is located between two continents, Asia and Australia. It is also located between two ocean, the Indonesian and the Pasific Ocean. It extends to the north until 60 degrees latitude and to the south until 110 degrees latitude. To the east it reaches until 90° longitude and to the south until 141°. Indonesia is 5.120 kilometers wide from west to east, and 1.770 kilometers wide from north to south.
Indonesia consist of 13.667 islands. Some of the islands are stretch on the equator line. They are Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulewesi, and Halmahere. The islands get a lot of sun shine. The five large islands are Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Irian Jaya.
The land area of Indonesia is 1.904.345 square kilometers. Most of the area is covered with forest. It is about 120 hectares. The forest comprises low land and high land, because some parts of Indonesia are Mountainous.